Free Pain Clinic Spring Fling

Southwest Florida Free Pain Clinic Spring Fling to raise funds to Heal the Hurt
Fundraiser benefits the only free pain clinic in Florida healing low-income, uninsured pain patients without the use of drugs
The Southwest Florida Free Pain Clinic, the only free pain clinic in Florida for low-income, uninsured residents, will hold Spring Fling to Heal the Hurt, a fundraising event on Thursday, April 4, 6 p.m. at Lexington Country Club, located at 16257 Willowcrest Way in Fort Myers. The event will feature dinner, wine tasting, and a live and silent auction. Reservations are $75 per person and can be made at
The Southwest Florida Free Pain Clinic, founded in 2010 by Alan Gruning, D.O., was established to provide treatment options to individuals suffering from acute and chronic pain, without the use of opioids, and with the added unique aspect of prayer and counseling. The clinic takes a holistic approach to healing, and utilizes medical and chiropractic care, physical and massage therapy, the use of modalities, essential oils, and lifestyle education to alleviate pain at the source and begin an effective healing process for people who do not have the ability to pay.
Event sponsors include Ameriprise Financial, Brian J. Downey, P.A., The Campbell Group, Capital Care Group PLLC, Cathy Sink Allstate, Kevin & Pam Kollmann – Estate Landscaping & Lawn Management LLC, Herman Woodcrafting, International Center for Health and Wellness, LLC, Lee Health, Mind and Brain Care, Pittman Law Firm, P.L., and Woodsmoke Camping Resort. For sponsorship information, visit, or email
The Spring Fling to Heal the Hurt dinner and auction will benefit continued efforts to expand services to an underserved demographic. In February, the Southwest Florida Free Pain Clinic held a grand opening at the new location and expanded hours of operation. The clinic is open on Tuesdays 12 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Thursdays 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. The ultimate goal is a full time clinic with the ability to utilize the model to replicate across the state. Plans to expand to full-time service will cost more than $500,000 per year, and will be funded through grants and community donations.
“We are excited to see the growth in our free clinic over the last few years and how the community has rallied behind us to raise the support we need,” said Alan Gruning, DO, Executive and Medical Director. “Last year we had 180 attendees help us raise about 25K through the event to support our expansion. This year we are looking for an even greater show of support that will enable us to expand to a full time free pan clinic, something that has never been done before in the United States.”
To learn more about the Southwest Florida Free Pain Clinic, visit or call Heather Moore, Administrative Director, at 239.308.7107.
About the Southwest Florida Free Pain Clinic
The Southwest Florida Free Pain Clinic is a 501(c)3 organization founded in 2010 to provide high quality holistic medical care at no charge to those without the ability to pay, with attention to the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of health and healing. The clinic serves more than 25 patients weekly, with more than 50 regular volunteers. Services are rendered by appointment at 6831 Palisades Park Court, Unit 3 in Fort Myers. For more information, visit or call 239-308-7107.