Be Someone’s Hero TODAY!

Imagine being in so much pain that simply sitting at the table for dinner with your family is impossible. Picture throwing out your back and everything from dressing yourself to reaching for a light switch causes excruciating pain. Now imagine having no insurance, living paycheck to paycheck to provide for your children, with nowhere to turn for help.
The SWFL Free Pain Clinic is the ONLY free pain clinic in Florida – the only one we know of in the United States! We provide free medical treatment that heals the source of pain, without opioids or any controlled substances, so people without insurance or financial resources can get their lives back.
Be someone’s hero today! Help a mom cheer for her son at a football game because she’s finally able to climb the stairs and sit in the stands without debilitating pain; get a dad back to work and providing for his family because he can move his shoulder and back again; give a child happy memories with family because mom and dad are off of opioids and free from pain.
- One in five Americans suffers from chronic pain to the point that it interferes with work and daily life.
- 20% of working adults can not afford health insurance.
- Recent annual data states over 48,000 people died of opioid overdose.
- The number of children entering foster care due to their parents’ abuse of opioids has doubled since 2000.
- 80% of people who abuse opioids were initially prescribed these drugs for a legitimate pain issue and became hooked